Object-to-object Connection Types
Object All information in Vine is stored in the server database as named objects of different types. Examples: a company, a person, an event, a sales case. connections Vine objects are linked to each other by connections. Vine shows an object together with links to all objects directly connected to it. can be of the following types:
A "many-to many" connection type. For example, a many-to-many connection type between a person and a company implies that any number of persons can be connected to a company, and conversely, any number of companies can be connected to a person.
A "one-to-many" connection type. For example, the standard “Employer-Employee” type in Vine is a one-to-many connection type. It permits a company to be connected to any number of persons, but a person can be connected to only one company.
A "one-to-one" connection type. For example, such a type between a person and a company permits a person to be connected to only one company and vice versa, a company can be connected to only one person.