Summary View

Use company objects All information in Vine is stored in the server database as named objects of different types. Examples: a company, a person, an event, a sales case. to store information about companies.

The Summary View of a company includes a tool bar with shortcut commands: such as,

For general information about object summary views please refer to the Summary View Overview chapter.


Shows basic information about the company:

Primary Connections

Shows connected accounts, parent company and important contacts:


Lists In lists objects are represented by small icons and object names. Icons help you to recognize object types. Press a keyboard character (a letter or a digit) to jump to the list item that starts from this character. The first matching item will be chosen, counting from the top of the list. company employees. Click Show More… to open all persons in a table view.

Sales Overview

Publishes company indicators and sales activity. Hover over a star in Sales Activity to see its meaning.

Sales Cases

Lists active sales cases and their phases In Vine Marketing, a phase is an independent stage of a query. It has its operation type and criteria loaded in its Contents field.. Click Show More… to open all sales cases in a table view.


Lists profile folders A folder in Vine is a named group of objects. the company is included into:

Recent and Future Events

Lists a few most recent past events, as well as the nearest future ones, connected to the  company:

Other Connections

Lists connections, grouped by connection type, not available in other panes: