Vine 6.2.6
New Person Goals
The Goals page for a person now includes the following new monthly goals:
- A new Offer Value goal to set how much value you plan for your offers
- A new Contract Count goal to set how many contracts you plan to close
- The Sales goal has been renamed to Contract value to clarify its meaning, which is the combined value of all contracts you plan to close within a month.
New in Sales & Management Today Pages
- New metrics, My Contract Count and Total Contract Count, have been added to the Today page in Sales and Management roles respectively. The Contract Count metrics show the ratio of contracts closed vs. planned contracts.
- My Sales Calls and Total Sales Calls metrics now include lead calls in addition to sales calls.
- My Offers and Total Offers metrics now show the ratio of total value of offers made vs. value of planned offers.
- It is now possible to configure the Send Sales Email command for persons so that only emails sent using this command will be included in the My Sales Emails and Total Sales Emails metrics. (By default, these metrics also include emails processed by Vine Email Reader.)
New in Marketing Automation Web Tool
- It is now possible to use the Set Value action in Marketing Automation action diagrams. This action allows the automation process to set an 's field to a certain value.
- Auto-login now works in Firefox and Chrome, which means that you can automatically login to Vine Marketing Automation without entering credentials after you have entered those once.
Improvements in Email Statistics
- A new field, Received Emails, has been added in statistics metrics for a sent email. It displays how many people (or companies) have received the email.
- Percentages in the right-hand of email metrics are now calculated based on received emails instead of all targeted as it was earlier.
New in Email Editor
- It is now possible to create custom type of links such as MAILTO:, TEL:, etc.