Web Page Feed

The Web Page Feed tool displays all marketing activities as they happen in real time.

Later these activities are analyzed and grouped by the Mail Statistics tool.

Clear Live update If you do not want to receive updates in real time.

You can limit the displayed activities using the filters located at the top of the feed table.

Select what types of activities you want to be displayed from the Show list In lists objects are represented by small icons and object names. Icons help you to recognize object types. Press a keyboard character (a letter or a digit) to jump to the list item that starts from this character. The first matching item will be chosen, counting from the top of the list.:

Select for how long time period you want to view marketing activities:

If you also want to see activities by users of Vine then clear Filter users. (It is selected by default).

You can filter the listed marketing activities by using the Search box. Simply enter your search string and only rows which include it will be listed:

The table that lists the activities have the following columns:

  • Create date – time of activity

  • Email – subject of related email wherefrom the user first came to the site.

  • Name – Person’s last and first name if the person has been identified. If the person has not been identified then the internet domain name of the person workstation is displayed.

  • Stat type. The same types as used in Mail Statistics. The following types are most common:

    • Opened email – a person opened a marketing email in email client

    • Clicked link in email – a link in a marketing email has been clicked

    • Visit to web page – a page opened on a tracked web site

    • Visited published page – a document link has been clicked in email

  • Company – Person’s company

  • Info – depends on the Stat type. For example, for “Opened email” contains the used email client and for “Visit to web page” contains the web address(URL) of the visited page, for “Visited published page” ID of the document object All information in Vine is stored in the server database as named objects of different types. Examples: a company, a person, an event, a sales case..

  • Duration – the time in seconds of an email or web page visit

  • Lead Score. How many lead points has been assigned for this action.