Vine 21.02


New in Vine CRM

MS Office 365 Sync


In addition to the ActiveSync synchronization, there is now a new much faster type of synchronization that copies your calendars between Vine and Microsoft Office 365 (Online Exchange).

The new sync is primarily targeted at Office 365 users who want to start syncing their events with Vine or ran into multi-factor authentication or other issues with the current ActiveSync.

To start using the new sync you should configure the new synchronization in Vine CRM for Windows or Vine Sales web application by opening Settings->Synchronization->Microsoft Office 365.


New in Marketing Automation

Dynamic Text in Landing Page

You can now insert special "Dynamic Text" placeholders in your landing page which will be replaced on the fly by URL parameter values appended at the end of a clicked web link.

Vine Dynamic Text coupled with dynamic keyword insertion in ads on advertizing platforms, such as Google Ads, can make your landing page text to automatically match with the specific keywords the user typed in a search.


Instant Charts and Counters

The statistics processing algorithms have been improved so that now all the charts and counters appear almost instantly regardless of the amount of collected and shown data.

New in Email and Template Editors

  • You can now change button colors and chapter background colors if you are using an email template where the new Allow to change email colors setting is turned on.

  • You can now simply drag chapters to change their places in the Email and Template editors.

Improvements and fixes

Many improvements and fixes done. The most important ones are as follows:

  • The Title column has been added to the list of event participants.
  • The currently selected row in an email's Metrics and Detailed Metrics lists is now highlighted to help you click in the right row.