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Reach your B2B audience with Vine's Lead Engine

Vine's Lead Engine gives you the means to tell your story, reach your audience and gain trustworty data on who is actually interested in your services.

With our Lead Engine you get 1500 Finnish B2B-contacts selected from your ideal buyer profile, Vine's Email Marketing that helps you create and send emails that actually reach their audience and trustworthy data that is not ruined by bot clicks.

Learn from our guides


Guide to marketing automation

Learn the basics about marketing automation.

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Guide to lead generation

Learn how marketing automation can help your marketing in generating better leads for sales. (In Finnish only)

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Marketing automation in a nutshell

A six part email course that tells you all you need to know about marketing automation. (In Finnish only)

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Webinar: Basics of marketing automation

What is marketing automation and how does a company benefit from it? Learn the basics of marketing automation by watching our webinar “What is marketing automation?” (in Finnish). If you already know the basics, take a closer look at automation’s benefits in our other webinars.



How does marketing automation benefit your company?

Read on the benefits of marketing automation. (in Finnish. )


Benefits of using a Finnish marketing automation?

Read on the benefits of choosing a Finnish marketing automation software (in Finnish).


Marketing automation in digital marketing

Find out how digital marketing and marketing automation can work together. (In Finnish only)

Learn more about Vine on our demo-site!